
Threads 推廣方案價目表 #脆買粉絲

2025年Threads 推廣方案價目表


Threads 作為 Meta(Facebook 和 Instagram 的母公司)推出的一個全新社交平台,專注於文字交流與即時互動。由於其與 Instagram 的緊密連接以及平台的快速增長,它已經成為許多品牌和創作者尋求新受眾的重要渠道。然而,由於平台競爭加劇,購買 Threads 粉絲成為一些用戶提升影響力的策略。以下是購買 Threads 粉絲的主要原因:

1. 快速建立影響力與存在感

Threads 是一個新興平台,早期的賬戶數據對吸引受眾和建立品牌形象至關重要。購買粉絲可以幫助用戶快速提升粉絲數,讓賬戶看起來更具影響力,吸引其他真實用戶的注意。

2. 搶占平台先機

作為一個新平台,Threads 的演算法和使用習慣仍在形成中。購買粉絲可以幫助用戶在早期就建立穩固的粉絲基礎,從而在未來獲得更大的曝光和增長空間。

3. 提高內容可信度

在社交媒體上,「數字」是影響用戶信任度的重要因素。當你的 Threads 帳戶擁有大量粉絲時,用戶更容易認為你的內容是值得信賴的,從而增加互動和轉發的可能性。

4. 提升貼文的演算法優勢

Threads 的演算法可能會根據賬戶的粉絲數量和互動率來推薦內容。如果你的賬戶有更多粉絲,貼文的初始表現更容易觸發演算法的推薦機制,從而獲得更高的自然曝光率。

5. 吸引自然粉絲增長

當用戶瀏覽 Threads 帳戶時,如果看到你的賬戶已經有大量粉絲,他們會更傾向於關注你。這是所謂的「社會證明效應」,購買粉絲可以幫助你建立這種吸引力。

6. 樹立品牌形象

對於企業或創作者來說,Threads 是一個展示品牌價值和理念的平台。購買粉絲有助於創造一個「受歡迎」的形象,讓用戶更願意接受你的品牌故事。

7. 提高商業合作機會

商業合作夥伴和廣告商通常會根據賬戶的粉絲數量和參與度來評估合作的價值。在 Threads 上擁有大量粉絲可以吸引更多潛在的合作夥伴,為賬戶創造更多商業價值。

8. 節省時間與精力


9. 支持產品或活動的推廣

Threads 是進行即時溝通和促銷的理想平台。如果你有即將推出的產品或活動,購買粉絲可以讓你的信息傳遞給更大的受眾,幫助活動或產品獲得更高的關注度。

7. 減少初期經營壓力




More Follow More Like,於香港及台灣均設有據點,自2015年開始服務以來,提供社交平台購買粉絲推廣服務;各種粉絲追蹤Follow、讚好Like、客製化留言Comment、直播或視頻觀看View等。粉絲供應商,全自家控制帳號名系統,保證穩定高效率


初接觸買粉買讚的一定存在很多疑問及不信任,所以More Follow More Like 多年來都堅持線上專人下單,先為你解答所有疑問,徹底了解清楚後才進行下單購買。




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1. 提高社交媒體帳號的吸引力
人們往往會對擁有大量粉絲的帳號產生更高的信任感和好奇心。一個粉絲數達到幾千甚至幾萬的帳號,容易吸引新用戶的注意。這種心理現象被稱為「社會認同效應」(Social Proof)。當潛在客戶或粉絲看到您已有眾多關注者時,他們更有可能認為您或您的品牌具有影響力,進而選擇關注或與您互動。
2. 快速建立品牌形象
3. 增加自然流量和互動

4. 吸引潛在合作機會
5. 節省時間與精力
6. 提升算法推薦優勢
7. 增強市場競爭力
8. 提高可信度與公信力
9. 降低廣告成本
10. 創造良性循環

1. 提高社交媒體帳號的吸引力
人們往往會對擁有大量粉絲的帳號產生更高的信任感和好奇心。一個粉絲數達到幾千甚至幾萬的帳號,容易吸引新用戶的注意。這種心理現象被稱為「社會認同效應」(Social Proof)。當潛在客戶或粉絲看到您已有眾多關注者時,他們更有可能認為您或您的品牌具有影響力,進而選擇關注或與您互動。
2. 快速建立品牌形象
3. 增加自然流量和互動

4. 吸引潛在合作機會
5. 節省時間與精力
6. 提升算法推薦優勢
7. 增強市場競爭力
8. 提高可信度與公信力
9. 降低廣告成本
10. 創造良性循環

1. 提高社交媒體帳號的吸引力
人們往往會對擁有大量粉絲的帳號產生更高的信任感和好奇心。一個粉絲數達到幾千甚至幾萬的帳號,容易吸引新用戶的注意。這種心理現象被稱為「社會認同效應」(Social Proof)。當潛在客戶或粉絲看到您已有眾多關注者時,他們更有可能認為您或您的品牌具有影響力,進而選擇關注或與您互動。
2. 快速建立品牌形象
3. 增加自然流量和互動

4. 吸引潛在合作機會
5. 節省時間與精力
6. 提升算法推薦優勢
7. 增強市場競爭力
8. 提高可信度與公信力
9. 降低廣告成本
10. 創造良性循環


Why Buying Followers Might Be a Worthwhile Strategy?
In today’s digital world, social media has become an essential tool for brands, individuals, and businesses to achieve success. Whether you aim to build personal influence or promote products and services, having a substantial number of followers is crucial. However, growing followers organically can be time-consuming and challenging, which is why buying followers has become a popular strategy to establish digital influence quickly. Here’s a detailed look at the potential benefits of buying followers and the value it may offer.

1. Boosting the Attractiveness of Your Social Media Account
People tend to trust and show more interest in accounts with a large following. This psychological phenomenon, known as “social proof,” plays a significant role in attracting new users. When potential followers or customers see that you already have thousands of followers, they are more likely to perceive you or your brand as influential and choose to follow or engage with you.

2. Quickly Building Brand Identity
For emerging brands or new creators, establishing a solid brand identity is a crucial first step. Having a large follower count helps your account appear more mature and professional, enabling you to stand out in a competitive market. Buying followers can give your account the appearance of being well-established, attracting potential collaborators and clients.

3. Increasing Organic Traffic and Engagement
Although purchased followers may not directly engage with your content, having a larger follower base can attract real users. Just like a crowded restaurant seems more appealing, accounts with substantial followers appear more popular and trustworthy. This can lead to increased organic growth as more genuine followers start engaging with your content.

4. Attracting Potential Collaboration Opportunities
In today’s business landscape, social media platforms are key avenues for influencer marketing and brand partnerships. Accounts with large followings are more likely to be approached for collaborations, product placements, and sponsorship deals. A higher follower count can enhance your attractiveness to potential business partners.

5. Saving Time and Effort
Growing followers organically requires consistent effort in content creation, interaction, and advertising. Buying followers is a quicker alternative, allowing you to focus on producing high-quality content or optimizing other aspects of your business. For creators and businesses with limited resources, this strategy can be highly appealing.

6. Gaining Algorithmic Advantages
Many social media platforms (like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube) prioritize accounts with higher follower counts and engagement rates in their algorithms. A larger follower base can increase the visibility of your posts and improve your chances of reaching a broader audience. This can significantly enhance your organic engagement and reach.

7. Improving Market Competitiveness
Whether you’re a personal brand or a business, the competition in the digital space is intense. Having more followers means greater influence. Buying followers can provide a short-term competitive edge, making your brand appear more prominent and attractive.

8. Enhancing Credibility and Authority
A high follower count can enhance your account’s credibility and perceived authority. For example, a fashion influencer with 100,000 followers is likely to be seen as more influential and professional than one with only 500 followers. This increased credibility is vital for attracting business collaborations and building a loyal fan base.

9. Lowering Advertising Costs
Social media advertising platforms often adjust costs based on an account’s popularity and engagement rates. Accounts with higher follower counts can achieve better advertising performance and potentially lower costs per click or impression. This is especially beneficial for brands that frequently use social media ads to promote their products or services.

10. Creating a Positive Growth Cycle
Buying followers not only helps establish an account in its early stages but also sets off a positive growth cycle. As your follower base grows, you’re more likely to attract real users and brand partnerships, further driving organic growth. Over time, this can significantly contribute to the sustained development of your account.

Risks and Recommendations
While buying followers offers numerous potential benefits, there are also risks to consider. For instance, purchased followers may include fake accounts, which could harm your engagement rates and even lead to penalties from social media platforms. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a reliable service provider and use this strategy as a short-term boost rather than a long-term solution.

To maximize the benefits, it’s recommended to combine follower purchases with a strong content strategy and active user engagement. This balance helps attract genuine followers

Why Buying Followers Might Be a Worthwhile Strategy?
In today’s digital world, social media has become an essential tool for brands, individuals, and businesses to achieve success. Whether you aim to build personal influence or promote products and services, having a substantial number of followers is crucial. However, growing followers organically can be time-consuming and challenging, which is why buying followers has become a popular strategy to establish digital influence quickly. Here’s a detailed look at the potential benefits of buying followers and the value it may offer.

1. Boosting the Attractiveness of Your Social Media Account
People tend to trust and show more interest in accounts with a large following. This psychological phenomenon, known as “social proof,” plays a significant role in attracting new users. When potential followers or customers see that you already have thousands of followers, they are more likely to perceive you or your brand as influential and choose to follow or engage with you.

2. Quickly Building Brand Identity
For emerging brands or new creators, establishing a solid brand identity is a crucial first step. Having a large follower count helps your account appear more mature and professional, enabling you to stand out in a competitive market. Buying followers can give your account the appearance of being well-established, attracting potential collaborators and clients.

3. Increasing Organic Traffic and Engagement
Although purchased followers may not directly engage with your content, having a larger follower base can attract real users. Just like a crowded restaurant seems more appealing, accounts with substantial followers appear more popular and trustworthy. This can lead to increased organic growth as more genuine followers start engaging with your content.

4. Attracting Potential Collaboration Opportunities
In today’s business landscape, social media platforms are key avenues for influencer marketing and brand partnerships. Accounts with large followings are more likely to be approached for collaborations, product placements, and sponsorship deals. A higher follower count can enhance your attractiveness to potential business partners.

5. Saving Time and Effort
Growing followers organically requires consistent effort in content creation, interaction, and advertising. Buying followers is a quicker alternative, allowing you to focus on producing high-quality content or optimizing other aspects of your business. For creators and businesses with limited resources, this strategy can be highly appealing.

6. Gaining Algorithmic Advantages
Many social media platforms (like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube) prioritize accounts with higher follower counts and engagement rates in their algorithms. A larger follower base can increase the visibility of your posts and improve your chances of reaching a broader audience. This can significantly enhance your organic engagement and reach.

7. Improving Market Competitiveness
Whether you’re a personal brand or a business, the competition in the digital space is intense. Having more followers means greater influence. Buying followers can provide a short-term competitive edge, making your brand appear more prominent and attractive.

8. Enhancing Credibility and Authority
A high follower count can enhance your account’s credibility and perceived authority. For example, a fashion influencer with 100,000 followers is likely to be seen as more influential and professional than one with only 500 followers. This increased credibility is vital for attracting business collaborations and building a loyal fan base.

9. Lowering Advertising Costs
Social media advertising platforms often adjust costs based on an account’s popularity and engagement rates. Accounts with higher follower counts can achieve better advertising performance and potentially lower costs per click or impression. This is especially beneficial for brands that frequently use social media ads to promote their products or services.

10. Creating a Positive Growth Cycle
Buying followers not only helps establish an account in its early stages but also sets off a positive growth cycle. As your follower base grows, you’re more likely to attract real users and brand partnerships, further driving organic growth. Over time, this can significantly contribute to the sustained development of your account.

Risks and Recommendations
While buying followers offers numerous potential benefits, there are also risks to consider. For instance, purchased followers may include fake accounts, which could harm your engagement rates and even lead to penalties from social media platforms. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a reliable service provider and use this strategy as a short-term boost rather than a long-term solution.

To maximize the benefits, it’s recommended to combine follower purchases with a strong content strategy and active user engagement. This balance helps attract genuine followers

Why Buying Followers Might Be a Worthwhile Strategy?
In today’s digital world, social media has become an essential tool for brands, individuals, and businesses to achieve success. Whether you aim to build personal influence or promote products and services, having a substantial number of followers is crucial. However, growing followers organically can be time-consuming and challenging, which is why buying followers has become a popular strategy to establish digital influence quickly. Here’s a detailed look at the potential benefits of buying followers and the value it may offer.

1. Boosting the Attractiveness of Your Social Media Account
People tend to trust and show more interest in accounts with a large following. This psychological phenomenon, known as “social proof,” plays a significant role in attracting new users. When potential followers or customers see that you already have thousands of followers, they are more likely to perceive you or your brand as influential and choose to follow or engage with you.

2. Quickly Building Brand Identity
For emerging brands or new creators, establishing a solid brand identity is a crucial first step. Having a large follower count helps your account appear more mature and professional, enabling you to stand out in a competitive market. Buying followers can give your account the appearance of being well-established, attracting potential collaborators and clients.

3. Increasing Organic Traffic and Engagement
Although purchased followers may not directly engage with your content, having a larger follower base can attract real users. Just like a crowded restaurant seems more appealing, accounts with substantial followers appear more popular and trustworthy. This can lead to increased organic growth as more genuine followers start engaging with your content.

4. Attracting Potential Collaboration Opportunities
In today’s business landscape, social media platforms are key avenues for influencer marketing and brand partnerships. Accounts with large followings are more likely to be approached for collaborations, product placements, and sponsorship deals. A higher follower count can enhance your attractiveness to potential business partners.

5. Saving Time and Effort
Growing followers organically requires consistent effort in content creation, interaction, and advertising. Buying followers is a quicker alternative, allowing you to focus on producing high-quality content or optimizing other aspects of your business. For creators and businesses with limited resources, this strategy can be highly appealing.

6. Gaining Algorithmic Advantages
Many social media platforms (like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube) prioritize accounts with higher follower counts and engagement rates in their algorithms. A larger follower base can increase the visibility of your posts and improve your chances of reaching a broader audience. This can significantly enhance your organic engagement and reach.

7. Improving Market Competitiveness
Whether you’re a personal brand or a business, the competition in the digital space is intense. Having more followers means greater influence. Buying followers can provide a short-term competitive edge, making your brand appear more prominent and attractive.

8. Enhancing Credibility and Authority
A high follower count can enhance your account’s credibility and perceived authority. For example, a fashion influencer with 100,000 followers is likely to be seen as more influential and professional than one with only 500 followers. This increased credibility is vital for attracting business collaborations and building a loyal fan base.

9. Lowering Advertising Costs
Social media advertising platforms often adjust costs based on an account’s popularity and engagement rates. Accounts with higher follower counts can achieve better advertising performance and potentially lower costs per click or impression. This is especially beneficial for brands that frequently use social media ads to promote their products or services.

10. Creating a Positive Growth Cycle
Buying followers not only helps establish an account in its early stages but also sets off a positive growth cycle. As your follower base grows, you’re more likely to attract real users and brand partnerships, further driving organic growth. Over time, this can significantly contribute to the sustained development of your account.

Risks and Recommendations
While buying followers offers numerous potential benefits, there are also risks to consider. For instance, purchased followers may include fake accounts, which could harm your engagement rates and even lead to penalties from social media platforms. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a reliable service provider and use this strategy as a short-term boost rather than a long-term solution.

To maximize the benefits, it’s recommended to combine follower purchases with a strong content strategy and active user engagement. This balance helps attract genuine followers

Why Buying Followers Might Be a Worthwhile Strategy?
In today’s digital world, social media has become an essential tool for brands, individuals, and businesses to achieve success. Whether you aim to build personal influence or promote products and services, having a substantial number of followers is crucial. However, growing followers organically can be time-consuming and challenging, which is why buying followers has become a popular strategy to establish digital influence quickly. Here’s a detailed look at the potential benefits of buying followers and the value it may offer.

1. Boosting the Attractiveness of Your Social Media Account
People tend to trust and show more interest in accounts with a large following. This psychological phenomenon, known as “social proof,” plays a significant role in attracting new users. When potential followers or customers see that you already have thousands of followers, they are more likely to perceive you or your brand as influential and choose to follow or engage with you.

2. Quickly Building Brand Identity
For emerging brands or new creators, establishing a solid brand identity is a crucial first step. Having a large follower count helps your account appear more mature and professional, enabling you to stand out in a competitive market. Buying followers can give your account the appearance of being well-established, attracting potential collaborators and clients.

3. Increasing Organic Traffic and Engagement
Although purchased followers may not directly engage with your content, having a larger follower base can attract real users. Just like a crowded restaurant seems more appealing, accounts with substantial followers appear more popular and trustworthy. This can lead to increased organic growth as more genuine followers start engaging with your content.

4. Attracting Potential Collaboration Opportunities
In today’s business landscape, social media platforms are key avenues for influencer marketing and brand partnerships. Accounts with large followings are more likely to be approached for collaborations, product placements, and sponsorship deals. A higher follower count can enhance your attractiveness to potential business partners.

5. Saving Time and Effort
Growing followers organically requires consistent effort in content creation, interaction, and advertising. Buying followers is a quicker alternative, allowing you to focus on producing high-quality content or optimizing other aspects of your business. For creators and businesses with limited resources, this strategy can be highly appealing.

6. Gaining Algorithmic Advantages
Many social media platforms (like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube) prioritize accounts with higher follower counts and engagement rates in their algorithms. A larger follower base can increase the visibility of your posts and improve your chances of reaching a broader audience. This can significantly enhance your organic engagement and reach.

7. Improving Market Competitiveness
Whether you’re a personal brand or a business, the competition in the digital space is intense. Having more followers means greater influence. Buying followers can provide a short-term competitive edge, making your brand appear more prominent and attractive.

8. Enhancing Credibility and Authority
A high follower count can enhance your account’s credibility and perceived authority. For example, a fashion influencer with 100,000 followers is likely to be seen as more influential and professional than one with only 500 followers. This increased credibility is vital for attracting business collaborations and building a loyal fan base.

9. Lowering Advertising Costs
Social media advertising platforms often adjust costs based on an account’s popularity and engagement rates. Accounts with higher follower counts can achieve better advertising performance and potentially lower costs per click or impression. This is especially beneficial for brands that frequently use social media ads to promote their products or services.

10. Creating a Positive Growth Cycle
Buying followers not only helps establish an account in its early stages but also sets off a positive growth cycle. As your follower base grows, you’re more likely to attract real users and brand partnerships, further driving organic growth. Over time, this can significantly contribute to the sustained development of your account.

Risks and Recommendations
While buying followers offers numerous potential benefits, there are also risks to consider. For instance, purchased followers may include fake accounts, which could harm your engagement rates and even lead to penalties from social media platforms. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a reliable service provider and use this strategy as a short-term boost rather than a long-term solution.

To maximize the benefits, it’s recommended to combine follower purchases with a strong content strategy and active user engagement. This balance helps attract genuine followers